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Essential Surgery is a highly respected, internationally popular textbook that is comprehensive, fully updated and a pleasure to read.The seventh edition provides comprehensive coverage of the subject, from the attributes a surgeon needs, to how to interpret a patient's story, as well as problem-orientated information about diseases and their management, including emergencies. It covers the full range of surgery, including general and gastro-intestinal surgery, trauma, orthopaedics, vascular surgery, urology, paediatric surgery, cardiothoracic surgery, neurosurgery, maxillofacial surgery and ENT emergencies.With a logical layout, clear writing style and extensive use of illustrations, this book is ideal for clinical students, surgical trainees in their first few years, as well as for those in professions allied to medicine.Fully updated for its seventh edition - provides the latest evidence and detailed informationCovers topics not typically covered in other surgical textbooks including managing soft tissue and orthopaedic trauma, plus sections on plastic surgery, neurosurgery, blood transfusion and applied microbiologyIncorporates a problem-solving approach wherever possible - explains how diagnoses are made and why particular treatments are usedEmphasis on the principles of surgery and perioperative care - provides a real understanding of the fieldClear, logical layout and hundreds of illustrations - easy to read and understandWritten by experts in their field, and closely edited for easy comprehensionCovers the syllabus of the MRCS examination and is also suitable as a refresher for higher surgical trainees preparing for the FRCS and other higher surgical examsText boxes and tables reinforce important contents and support revisionAn enhanced eBook version is included with purchase. The eBook allows you to access all the text, figures and references, with the ability to search, customise your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloudNew information on diagnostic imaging and screeningNew section on 'prehabilitation', optimising the patient for surgeryNew section on management of obesity, including bariatric surgerySubstantially rewritten chapters on cancer and transplantation
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